Thema: Two books i've found useful

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Two books i've found useful
26.05.2014 von toasterface

The first book is called Running on Empty by Dr. Jonice Webb. Over 20 years of therapy work she noticed a pattern of emotional neglect so she decided to address the issue specifically.

It covers emotional neglect, emotional attunment, explains the role of emotions, gives a lot of great informative examples of dialogues between parent and child, and breaks down the conversations (I think anyone could learn from these dialogues), covers the process of change, breaking the cycle, self care, and there is a section for therapists as well as some work sheets. It does address alexithymia, the book includes her patients, many of whom had very good secure childhoods but also were emotionally neglected.

Still reading it, scored 118 and have found it very useful. Also, it's not a cookie cutter solution, it's versatile.

The second book is simply a book that taught me how to journal, a skill that is cheap, easy ok it's not easy, and very useful.
It's The Ultimate Guide to Journalling by Hannah Braime. By the end of this book you will know how to use a journal.

Hope this is useful, Good luck.

25.11.2019 von ski

New book, Running on Empty No More by Dr. Jonice Webb. It is a book of therapy and habit development to support rehabilitation for those who may have experienced CEN that facilitated their current emotional blindness.

30.01.2020 von Marcie_Anne

Thanks for the recommendations!
